Posted On: September 23, 2024 by Friends of the Family in: General

Friends of the Family has been awarded a Top Workplaces 2024 honor by Iowa Top Workplaces. This list is based solely on employee feedback gathered through a third-party survey administered by employee engagement technology partner Energage,LLC. The confidential survey uniquely measures the employee experience and its component themes, including employees feeling Respected & Supported, Enabled to Grow, and Empowered to Execute, to name a few.
At the recent awards ceremony for Top Workplaces, Friends of the Family was also given the meaningfulness award, one of twelve special recognition awards presented at the event. This signifies that Friends of the Family had an exceptional response from staff to the question, “My job makes me feel like I am part of something meaningful.”
Executive Director of Friends of the Family, Ben Brustkern stated, “We are honored to be recognized as a top workplace in the State of Iowa and it shows how our employees at Friends of the Family are focused on making the agency a great place to work. The job we do is hard, but each day staff come focused and prepared to meet the challenges we face to end homelessness in our community.”
“Earning a Top Workplaces award is a badge of honor for companies, especially because it comes authentically from their employees,” said Eric Rubino, Energage CEO. “That's something to be proud of. In today's market, leaders must ensure they’re allowing employees to have a voice and be heard. That's paramount. Top Workplaces do this, and it pays dividends.”