Posted On: October 7, 2024 by Friends of the Family in: Homelessness

At Friends of the Family, we provide a low barrier emergency shelter service. A Low barrier shelter service eliminates many of the obstacles that shelters often impose. By doing this we are able to help more people, despite possible obstacles they are currently facing.
We believe in the housing first approach. This means that we want to make sure survivors of domestic violence, human trafficking and sexual assault have a safe space to escape to without worrying about passing sobriety tests, having proper identification and so on.
Factors that we do not discriminate against as a low barrier shelter include; bringing pets to shelter, bringing personal belongings, families with children, no identification, criminal background checks, strict curfews, sobriety, and so on.
We believe that our low barrier setup helps survivors to gain access to resources they need and deserve to meet their personal goals.
Low barrier shelters do have less strict rules than other shelters but that is not to say that there are no rules. The use and possession of illegal substances, such as drugs and alcohol, and the possession of weapons are not allowed at our shelter.
We want to provide a safe environment for everyone staying at the FOF shelter. To achieve this, we must enforce these rules.
Our emergency shelter is meant to be a temporary stay as survivors transition to a permanent housing arrangement. FOF staff work with clients to determine their housing goals and help them achieve those goals.
Something to note about our shelter is that it is not a general population shelter. Our mission is to provide survivors of domestic violence, human- trafficking or sexual assault with a safe space to stay. Our emergency shelter is reserved for individuals meeting these qualifications.
However, anyone who is facing homelessness may be eligible for a FOF housing program, regardless of meeting the domestic violence, human tracking, and sexual assault requirement.
We value the happiness and well-being of all people. We would like to make it as simple as possible to seek the resources needed to improve your life.
If you would like emergency shelter or housing services, please contact us.
If you would like to learn more about what low barrier shelter is and the importance of it, please click the link below to watch a video over low barrier shelters.